Saturday, September 29, 2012

A Garage Sale on the Mesa

The Boise Chapter held it's 1st Annual Garage Sale on the Mesa.
We had a call for 'all hands on deck' to get ready for the big day.
Teamwork and some late nights made this event a big success!

the kids made signs the night before.

The first signs went up in the dark!

very important writing...

sharing BTF information with our customers..

taking down our signs...

Friday, September 28, 2012

Moppet Togs - Volunteering and Raising Awareness

Moppet Togs Fall Sale
September 28, 2012
      Moppet Togs is a huge children's clothing consignment sale held in Boise twice a year. We were given a "vendor's table" at the Fall sale, so that we could begin our efforts to raise awareness locally about our new Ben Towne Foundation Boise Chapter, and about the need for funding for pediatric cancer. Thousands of people consign and purchase children's clothing at the sales over four days. We put together a tri-fold with information about pediatric cancer and about Ben Towne Foundation. We had a chance to talk with many people as they waited in the check out line. Danielle and Martha shared BTF brochures, information sheets, pens and bracelets with the hoards of shopping parents. We met people who had personal experiences with pediatric cancer - as well as many who had no idea about the lack of funding specifically for pediatric cancers. Moppet Togs also supports charities each season and we hoped that eventually we might be able to be one of the charities they would choose to support.